Thoughts of the day
I need a job, dammit! There are things I care deeply about that I've been putting off - for months now - in order to focus on setting the cornerstone of my life for the next 1-3 years. At least I've interviewed for positions, some of which I'm more interested in than others.
Nutella - good stuff. Never mind using it as a spread. I eat the stuff like pudding.
Because I have every post uploaded on the main page, the next change I'd like to implement in my blog format is the "fold". Some of my posts are long and using the "fold" should make it easier to navigate through them.
I've been keeping track of ArmyWives, a new show on Lifetime channel. I wouldn't say I'm a fan. It's interesting. I consider it more of a soap opera for women than a military drama. There is some insight on the perspective of Army wives and families and the deep psychological toll of the profession, and it's generally a fair, positive portrayal of soldiers, which I didn't expect.
I have my Columbia class ring. However, the diameter of the finger hole is too wide for my right ring finger, so I need to send it back to Herff-Jones for re-sizing. Until I do, I have to wear the ring on my index or middle finger so I don't have to worry about it sliding off. It's bulky: I have to get used to the weight and the 3/8 inch that the ring bulges off the finger. I have to admit, the main reason I value my Columbia ring is the West Point class ring tradition I missed out on by dropping out of the Academy. My Columbia ring represents a small measure of redemption. Beyond the redemption aspect, though, I have mixed feelings about it. While the ring represents completion and ownership of a Columbia degree, which is good, I got much less out of my Columbia experience than I had hoped. So, the ring also represents yet another great opportunity that I made far less than it should have been.
FYI, I chose mother of pearl as the center stone because it's my mom's birthstone.

This is me pretending to be special after the Class Day ceremony:

Now that I'm a Columbia grad, I can think on my stint as a cadet with more nostalgia than regret. I feel better about posting this picture of a younger, brighter, more hopeful (if still flawed) me:

Nutella - good stuff. Never mind using it as a spread. I eat the stuff like pudding.
Because I have every post uploaded on the main page, the next change I'd like to implement in my blog format is the "fold". Some of my posts are long and using the "fold" should make it easier to navigate through them.
I've been keeping track of ArmyWives, a new show on Lifetime channel. I wouldn't say I'm a fan. It's interesting. I consider it more of a soap opera for women than a military drama. There is some insight on the perspective of Army wives and families and the deep psychological toll of the profession, and it's generally a fair, positive portrayal of soldiers, which I didn't expect.
I have my Columbia class ring. However, the diameter of the finger hole is too wide for my right ring finger, so I need to send it back to Herff-Jones for re-sizing. Until I do, I have to wear the ring on my index or middle finger so I don't have to worry about it sliding off. It's bulky: I have to get used to the weight and the 3/8 inch that the ring bulges off the finger. I have to admit, the main reason I value my Columbia ring is the West Point class ring tradition I missed out on by dropping out of the Academy. My Columbia ring represents a small measure of redemption. Beyond the redemption aspect, though, I have mixed feelings about it. While the ring represents completion and ownership of a Columbia degree, which is good, I got much less out of my Columbia experience than I had hoped. So, the ring also represents yet another great opportunity that I made far less than it should have been.
FYI, I chose mother of pearl as the center stone because it's my mom's birthstone.

This is me pretending to be special after the Class Day ceremony:

Now that I'm a Columbia grad, I can think on my stint as a cadet with more nostalgia than regret. I feel better about posting this picture of a younger, brighter, more hopeful (if still flawed) me:

Labels: thoughts of the day, veteran
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