My Leatherman
Most soldiers eventually acquire a multi-tool and carry it everyday on their belt. Mine is a Leatherman PST II Plain Label, meaning the handle is stamped with "Tool", like the ones pictured beneath, rather than "PST II". PST stands for Pocket Survival Tool and is the name of the original multi-tool invented by company founder Tim Leatherman. The old-fashioned simple leather sheath is part of its manly charm.

As yet another reminder of how long ago I served "in a US Army now more memory than real", Leatherman no longer manufactures the PST II. The PST II is a proven classic, which also means its utility has been surpassed by newer models. I found it's not strong enough for heavy-duty work, but it's handy for light work. My Leatherman needs to be cleaned and oiled, and the tip of the small screwdriver broke off somewhere along the way.
Like knot skills, a Leatherman represents self-reliance. I've left mine in a utility drawer since I left the Army; it's going back on my belt when I go out, as a talisman if for no other use. Here are the PDF instructions for the Leatherman PST II and a review.

As yet another reminder of how long ago I served "in a US Army now more memory than real", Leatherman no longer manufactures the PST II. The PST II is a proven classic, which also means its utility has been surpassed by newer models. I found it's not strong enough for heavy-duty work, but it's handy for light work. My Leatherman needs to be cleaned and oiled, and the tip of the small screwdriver broke off somewhere along the way.
Like knot skills, a Leatherman represents self-reliance. I've left mine in a utility drawer since I left the Army; it's going back on my belt when I go out, as a talisman if for no other use. Here are the PDF instructions for the Leatherman PST II and a review.
Labels: jeremy lin, mgtow, veteran
Hi via,
I don't know - when I have time to watch Lin play again, I guess. I've only watched sporadically over the last few weeks.
Can you ask here or should I go to
Here's my take at a remove: Since the Rockets adjusted their use of Lin, started passing the Woodson test with some consistency, toned down Harden's role from ball-dominant lead guard to an SG who can handle the ball, and improved Lin's role with a reasonable number, type (PG), and game-placement of touches, I've felt less compelled to scrutinize how the Rockets use him and remind folks that Woodson established a 3rd way for Lin to produce at PG other than Linsanity or Bust. Also, Lin performed well in his return to MSG, which was for me the most important game in the regular season.
Long term, Harden stands in the way of Lin's path to Nashian superstardom, but for now, I'm satisfied that Lin is back on a Nashian developmental curve, Mavs period. The Rockets offense has become similar to the Nelson-era Mavs offense.
However, as long as Lin is Harden's sidekick, we'll always have to be wary of Harden's ball handling coupled with his iso-Harden tendencies and the coaches' established reflex to run the offense through Harden. It's far better than Chalmerized, but Lin will be Pippenized running with Harden. His role will lack the structural guarantee Lin had as the Knicks' PG and the promise of old fragile teammates whose imminent breakdowns could only increase his role. But for now, the Rockets are using Lin reasonably and at this point of this season, that's good enough for me.
That said, I'm curious about Lin's up-and-down stat lines of late. I haven't watched the games so I don't know the cause.
That's too bad. You've been a notable commenter and added good content there.
You are being mysterious, but okay.
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